Gianing the world and loosing your soul

The question is asked, "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" It is dangerous to give time, thought, and strength to the pursuit of worldly gain, even if success follows persevering effort; for in thus doing there is danger of making God and his righteousness secondary. It is better far to be in poverty, to endure disappointment, and have our earthly hopes shattered, than to have our eternal interests imperiled. Flattering inducements may be presented to us, and we may think to obtain wealth and honor, and so set our heart and soul on worldly enterprises. But as we cannot serve God and mammon, we are led to give up the service of God.

Money has become the measure of manhood in the world, and men are estimated, not by their integrity, but by the amount of wealth they possess. Thus it was in the days before the flood. "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.our society my bleeds for you were is the moral we learn t from our ancestors, criminality is now something that people celebrate in our society today i Danny i cry when i think about the wickedness of mans heart i cry when i see people in pains cursed by there fellow human being,always remember pure water that is blessed is better than fried rice that is cursed, our politicians,top business men top business women,corrupt personality my question for you today which i have not gotten an answer is what shall it profit a man or a woman to gain the world and loose his soul? the struggle of life is vanity if we can cannot realize that the God we seek is not in the religious books alone it in the smile in the faces of a human being who gives love with a pure heart,if there is a shadow then remember someone is watching the remember death and you will understand that life is vanity...this is my advice to all my friends please read carefully think about it share it with your friends publish it together we can pencil the mind and wish of the invisible creator to change the world..

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