Have you recently had friends,
co-workers, or strangers suddenly get pissed off at you for what seemed
like no reason at all? Maybe you told yourself that they were
overreacting or being too sensitive, or that they had no right to be
angry when you clearly didn't mean to do whatever you did (and in fact
aren't even sure what it was). If you're a socially inept type like me, I
bet you've had this happen within the last month. I have found that the
answer to "Why is everyone suddenly mad at me?" is usually one of the
Hint: It's almost always about power.
#5. It's Not What You Said, It's What You Didn't Say
those of us who aren't great with people, we figure that silence is
always the safest bet. If you're an introvert, you spend so much of your
time wishing that other people would just shut the hell up that you
figure you're doing everyone a favor. So, you run into a co-worker at
the mall and think it's better to pass by in silence than do an awkward
stop-and-chat that you'd probably screw up anyway.
Then, after you pass by this person, you hear them in the aisle behind you mutter, "Asshole."
"Maybe next time I'll just forget to pick up my roller skates from the stairs."
So What's the Problem?
is literally the most frequent social mistake I see in my day to day.
You didn't respond to the party invitation. You didn't reply to their
funny text with a smiley. You didn't wish them a happy birthday. Now
they're bitter and you're confused because, well, who would ever assume
that silence is an insult?
Lots of people. In fact, to certain personality types, not speaking is the most bitter insult possible. Yes, worse than "shitblimp."
you're confused, think of it this way: If you apply for a job, which is
worse -- a rejection letter, or no reply at all? The former is bad, but
the latter is dismissive, and that's a thousand times worse.
(Note: By far the angriest reaction I get to hate mail is when I don't
reply at all.) That's how some people take your failure to speak to them
-- like you didn't even open their resume before tossing it in the
"Oh, you wanted an interview, too? Sure, why don't you tell me all the ways you can go fuck yourself?"
See, there is an old saying: Hate is not the opposite of love. Apathy is. For many people, you'd be better off telling them to fuck off, because at least then you're acknowledging that they matter.
So Keep in Mind ...
This is about power. Everything is.
offended parties are assuming that you think you're so high and mighty
that they don't even rate a response, and that your silence is a kind of
power play intended to let them know that. And if you think it's weird
that anyone would interpret a casual everyday interaction as a power
play, well, hang on to your ass, because you're about to discover
something incredibly important about the world.
That children are dicks, and they will attack you without warn- oh, wait, no. The power thing.
For instance, another way you've probably earned instant hatred from someone is ...
#4. You Accidentally Asserted Power Over Them
in his eyes, you're like that douchebag at your high school reunion who
desperately tries to wedge a dozen stealth boasts into the
conversation: "And then while I was in PARIS I found out my MAID
accidentally broke a $5,000 VASE and my wife was late for her PHOTO
SHOOT because SHE'S A MODEL and I had to hire a TAILOR because every
pair of pants I buy is TOO TIGHT IN THE CROTCH." That guy is a douchebag
because he's clearly trying to remind you that he is in a higher social
and economic position than you -- he has the kind of "problems" you
would kill to have. He is, in other words, trying to assert his power
over you. That's why we hate people like him.
"Glad you could make it, buddy! Welcome to the high life. Tonight, you get to pretend you're not poor."
So Keep in Mind ...
This unspoken power dynamic is always at
play, whether you acknowledge it or not. In any conversation between
two people, one person is going to be more successful than the other, or
more attractive, or smarter, or physically stronger, etc. -- there are
all of these invisible "ranks" where one of you has risen over the other
on society's ladder. Both of you will be aware of them, but neither of you is allowed to mention them.
A good example is this video where everyone at the table is pretending
to be equals, but under every word is the unspoken understanding that it
would take the physically superior Dan about 45 seconds to incapacitate
the other three, if he chose to:
For many of us who are insecure about our "rank," the subject is
basically an open wound. So not only must the subject be avoided, but
courtesy demands that the higher person has to pretend to be the lower. So, this leads to the absurd situation where you can be talking to the dude who won the Nobel Prize in astrophysics, but the second he looks at you and says, "I'm smarter than you," you will hate him for life -- even though both of you know it's true.
The boss who acts like your buddy and phrases his or her assignments as
requests ("Hey, can you get that report over to accounts by the end of
the day?") is cool, while the boss who says, "Do what I say because I'm the boss and you're just a minimum wage peon" is an asshole ... even though nothing changed other than the phrasing.
bizarre charade seems to go double for women -- this is why pretty
female comedians like Tina Fey pretend to be ugly and why Jennifer
Lawrence has to make constant jokes about how gross and ugly she is,
just minutes after posing for yet another magazine cover.
Look at that disgusting piece of shit.
trouble with us less-than-social types is that we assume we're never
the person in power, in any situation. That's why it's so easy for us to
fall into this -- if you were never one of the cool kids, you assume
that everyone is confident but you, that they don't have these open
wounds you can accidentally touch. So, you freely tell a story about
what a bitch your mom is being, and all the other guy can think is,
"Really? Mine died of cancer a year ago."
the thing you have to remember -- and this really goes for anything on
this list -- is that the fact that it was accidental really means
nothing. Any interaction that results in other people feeling worse
about themselves will still count against you in your "Why I don't like
talking to this person" score. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just
explaining why they don't invite you to parties anymore.
#3. They Think You Owe Them
you ever broken up with somebody and had them bafflingly claim, "I
can't believe you would just leave me like that! After everything I've
done for you!"
did you once refuse to do a favor for somebody for what seemed like a
good reason (say, you couldn't help them move because you had work that
day), only to see them get really, really pissed off? Almost to
the point that they're acting like you were paid for the work in
advance and then didn't follow through? Like they thought you owed it to them?
maybe the other person has suddenly stopped speaking to you, making it
clear that you've wronged them somehow and thus "owe" them an apology or
some other form of restitution. This may even cause you to think they should apologize to you for overreacting, creating a stalemate that lasts until the day one of you refuses to attend the other's funeral.
So What's the Problem?
a really good chance that the last person who got annoyed with you for
seemingly no reason at all did it because you failed to pay a debt you
didn't even know you owed. There's this weird thing where in most
relationships, and maybe in every relationship at one point or another,
both parties think the other side is in debt to them.
bad marriages work that way. The wife thinks, "This guy was a lonely
mess before I came along, who knows where he'd be if it wasn't for me
rescuing him! Probably dead!" Meanwhile, the guy thinks, "I'm the
breadwinner, I gave her this nice house, if not for me she could have
wound up with some scumbag who beats her! Probably to death!" Both of
them think they're the martyr in the relationship, selflessly
sacrificing while the other does nothing but take. Each is shocked and
pissed off when they find out that the other person is working from a
different balance sheet.
"Oh, man, I just realized that I don't have to put up with your stupid shit! This changes everything!"
workplace is probably like this as well -- everybody in your department
thinks they heroically keep the place afloat with their tireless labor,
while the boss thinks you're a bunch of slackers for whom the company
generously puts food on the table. You're shocked and insulted when the
company heartlessly announces layoffs ("Where's the loyalty?!?"), and
the boss is shocked and insulted when any of you quit without notice
("That ungrateful bastard!").
Hey, do you remember that Simpsons "Poochie" episode where Comic Book Guy is outraged about the declining quality of the show, and the following exchange happens?
Comic Book Guy: As a loyal viewer, I feel they owe me.
Bart: For what? They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? If anything, you owe them.
Comic Book Guy: Worst episode ever.
Bart: For what? They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? If anything, you owe them.
Comic Book Guy: Worst episode ever.
And then Cartman says something about sucking his balls and then Bender farts. I don't know my cartoons.
how many people have written to me saying that I "owe" them because I
wrote a free article they didn't like. It's in the thousands.
So Keep in Mind ...
The key is that in every case, the other person desperately wants you
to be in debt to them. Because, you guessed it, that would give them
power over you (who has the power, the bank or the borrower?).
again, they can't be up front about how or why they perceive you to be
in their debt -- they just get angry when you fail to "pay." And once
again, you're left with someone who's pissed off at you for what to you
seems like no reason at all.
"But I did the dishes! You owe me sex!"
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