Yesterday Sahara Reporters carried on its website the story that Paul Okoye has abandoned his babymama and new born son in a london hospital with the bill running into five thousand pounds.
They even hinted that Elshama Benson Igbanoi is a very close friend of Paul Okoye’s girlfriend who gave birth recently in America….
Pauls Representative Responded to Niyi Tabiti and According to the statement released ”Paul stated that it is a trivial issue because the allegation lacks substance and he would not be glorifying the accusing parties by responding to their claims and the fame and attention they seek”
So to say,Paul Okoye denied knowing anyone bearing such name.
This is a serious Drama!
Why in God’s name would this beautiful young woman call Paul Okoye’s name if he wasnt the one?
This sounds really messy and since Paul has enough money,he should call for a DNA test before reacting out of anger………..shes young and she may have made a msitake by going to the press but perhaps she tried to make contact and was bluffed…….Perhaps.
Please Paul settle this quietly..There is no smoke without fire.
This baby might grow up being your carbon copy..then what?
I respect Tuface because despite all his babymama dramas,he never denied fathering any of his kids.
Wish the drama get settled soon Follow @vickyiests on twitter #instantfollowback
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