He seems to have a thing for black ladies...By the way, his wife Ekaterina who married him when she was 18 ,before he became a billionaire is still with him.....Recall she once said this about his relationship with Naomi Campbell "
“Vladimir has had lots of admiring women over the years. He is rich, attractive and rarely at home because of his business. “I have ignored all this in the past because I know boys will be boys. He has bought Naomi gifts, he has bought other women gifts. Some fun, maybe it will be good for business. But enough is enough. “He is my husband. He is wealthy and generous but not stupid. “Naomi is deceiving herself if she thinks he will be with her. As a wife of dignity I refuse to be humiliated. “I would never cause a public scene or any embarrassment but Naomi has overstepped the line.”
“That is the final straw. Naomi has got this so wrong. She is kidding herself. I think my husband has been enjoying the fame, glory and showbiz razzmatazz of meeting all the big stars. And it’s good for business.
(I wonder what she would say about this ...now that he left Naomi for yet another..

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