Yhuuuuuuuu, Mzansi peeps have been up in arms calling for new faces in the entertainment industry. People are tired of seeing the same faces over and over again on different entertainment platforms.
They are a lot of talented individuals out there that are not even given a chance because those in authority are not giving them the time of day. I am putting the ‘blame’ on the employer, not the employee. Why should someone turn down a job that’s being offered to them? It doesn’t make sense to me. So if the famous are offered those jobs, should they say ‘No I don’t want it, please give it to smang smang because she just graduated from AFDA‘ ? I don’t think so.
Everyone on social media has had something to say about #OpenUpTheIndustry. The ones in the industry being the most vocal.
Here are some tweets…..
What @JadeTraci is talking about I have experienced. I was contacted by someone about/from a certain show to send someone from Cooyah for an audition. Cooyah artist didn’t get the job but I was shocked when the show started airing; the same person that had contacted me wanting people to come and audition is the same one that ended up presenting the show. This person was already part of the production before the auditions; so my question is; Why do broadcasters waste people’s time with auditions. Why are you giving people hope where there is none when you know exactly who you want for that job? Stop wasting people’s time. I was not mad that the job was given to them, believe it or not they are very good on that show. I was only mad at the fact that time was wasted on our side for nothing.
This is another fact about the industry. Rates get dropped because ‘We have a budget that we need to stick to so we can’t go higher than this amount.‘ So what Pearl and Phathu are saying, is not a lie.
Very good ideas from Janine, Poppy and Sbo. There is so much that people can do with all these resources and technology.
I must say where there are qualifications and real talent it’s unfair of us to expect the already famous not to be hired all over. What do we expect them to do if this is what they are here for? This is their career, their life. I can never get tired or complain about Nthati Moshesh or Vusi Kunene being in every drama. They are good at what they do. However, I am not sure how I’d feel if Nthati had to wake up the next day and she’s hosting My Perfect Wedding. Hehehehehe
Have a good long weekend bahlali, let’s catch up next month. 

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