Having a good woman by your side as your girlfriend is always nice.
In fact, it is a dream of every normal man in this world. The right woman is a woman who can make you grow into a better man.
men experience failure in relationships because they are too quick to
choose, too easily attracted and fall in love with a woman without
thinking whether she is worthy or not (of course mistakes committed by
ourselves can cause failures too). Below are 10 characteristics of a
good woman to be your girlfriend:
1. Supportive
is a figure who always support you in your life as well as your career
and always by your side when the whole world walks out. As we know, our
society tend to require a man to be a strong man and not a fragile
person, but sadness and stress that come repeatedly will destroy you if
you don't vent your feelings. Thus, a good woman can be the best
listener by providing support and comfort for you. She also gives you
freedom to develop yourself as you want.
2. Independent
characteristic is important because it means she can manage and take
care of herself. It will be very annoying when you have to be her
'babysitter' all the time, right? She can go home by herself when you
can't pick her up, she can go shopping by herself when you can't
accompany her, and she can rely on herself when you can't help her.
Independent woman is a woman who can stand by her own feet and walk
alone when you can't be there (of course she still respects you as the
3. Beautiful inside and out
the outside, she is not a woman like Taylor Swift, Kate Middleton,
Megan Fox, or Jessica Alba, but she looks beautiful and attractive in
her own way, her simplicity and friendliness. From the inside, you
notice that she is a person who has an extraordinary and inspiring
4. Confident
loves her imperfection, perfectly. She doesn't hurt herself or dying to
be famous and beautiful like a movie actress. She doesn't try to be
someone else, she is confident of herself and (of course) proud to have
you by her side.
5. Respects you
are the leader and she, as your partner, has respect for you and the
decisions you make. She doesn't make you afraid of her and look like a
loser. But of course, you have to respect her too by not humiliating and
treating her like a slave.
6. Know when to speak and keep quiet
knows which stories that can be told to her friends and which ones
don't. She doesn't like to gossip about your bad things and your
relationship. She knows when to speak and listen to your words. She also
can speak tenderly (without yelling) when she expresses her opinion to
7. Loyal
who's in normal or happy circumstances tend to be a kind person. Don't
immediately assume she has a good character when she is in such
conditions, just wait until you have some problems. Then you will know
her true character and who she really is. Women who are not loyal will
turn around and leave you when you face problems, either minor or major
ones. While women who are loyal will remain by your side to face the
problems together. That's why you need time to evaluate your partner
before moving to the next stage of your relationship.
8. Doesn't fall in love with your wealth and social status
this modern era, money is something that has tremendous appeal. Money
can buy positions, power, authorities, even 'love'. Of course they love
the money not the person. Although money remains an important thing to
think about (you can't eat and shop without money, right?), but a good
woman won't put her love on your wealth because she already has
something more valuable than money... You. Think about this... Love of
money is only temporary because wherever the money goes, that's where
her heart is... But love that comes and grows from her heart to you will
last for a lifetime. Why? Because wherever you go, that's where her
heart is. Do you notice the difference?
9. Simple and down to earth
was a joke that said, "The average woman would rather have beauty than
brains, because the average man can see better than he can think." It's
funny but also true. Women are good market of beauty products by various
companies. In fact, MOST of their body parts are good market.. Their
hair, face, ears, eyes, hands, fingers, toenails, and so on. Don't be
trapped by a high maintenance woman if you can't afford her needs. It's
better to choose a simple woman who still looks good with what she got,
without requiring too much maintenance. In addition, she is modest and
humble in everyday life, she doesn't demand a lot of facilities to
indulge herself.
10. Gets into your life
the last thing is she knows and gets along well with your friends. She
also knows your family well, helps your mom to prepare meals, travels
with your family, and most importantly she enjoys it all sincerely. When
she knows your life well and has a good relationship with your family,
then you have a good chance to move into the next relationship stage.
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