began to roll as I was back to that place where I felt I had once again
disappointed myself and my family, those who were my financial support.
I am a very young female who falls into the category of ‘ Graduate
Almost-Working’ class thanks to NYSC and because the school system went
really quickly for me. Most of my friends have an assumption that it
must be because I am some kind of brain whiz which I would wish was the
case but really isn’t. My case is that of unmerited favour.
I lived my pre-teenage years with my grandparents which was lovely
but living with grandparents came with it’s own 100kg dumb bells and I’m
sure there are readers who will testify. My grandparents were once
teachers which meant Math and English had to be my favourite subjects
without option or my opinion. This also meant the horrifying days of
lesson teachers and the never ending after school tutorials. I dreaded
each educational day but it paid off as my grades stayed on top as i
progressed, then the phase shifted and it was time for secondary school.
For me it was the freedom phase with nobody telling me what to like and
how to go about reading them at least to a certain extent and that to
me was a gift. A gift that almost caused me as my WAEC results came to
show. I was that student that always got ‘ she knows it but doesn’t like
to read’ and my fear begun as my admission into college was very
dependent on that my ‘not so great’ result. Finally favour came, I got
into college. Lesson wasn’t learnt as I went down that same route again.
I was in school but wasn’t so interested in getting involved in the
reading that was required to get the grades that I needed to get into
the university.
Tears began to roll as I was back to that place where I felt I had
once again disappointed myself and my family, those who were my
financial support. Yet favour came again and I got into university
whilst my mates who had the same fate as I were still seriously
struggling to find foothold. It was at this point it hit me, that it’s
not by anything I do that makes my destiny unfold the way it’s supposed
to. It will unfold anyway, the influence I have is making decisions that
would shorten or lengthen the time in which it unfolds. Each day is for
me to live for fufilment. I have no right to the day giving me no right
to act uncaring about it like it may not affect my future.
I wouldn’t do justice to my story if I didn’t state even though
obvious that at each phase I caused my own circumstance to adjust
because of my uncaring attitude and each time I felt broken and like a
disappointment like most people would feel. I wouldn’t say i did not try
to blame it on many things; for example that I was unhappy, that people
weren’t encouraging and on and on but within me, I knew better but
refused to accept it like most of us would. We refuse to accept
responsibility for situations we find ourselves in.
My story is easy because but it isn’t always the case. That is to
say for all of us there will be mountains, these mountains may differ
but are inevitable. A wise man once said to me always try to turn
mountains into molehills. That very simple statement has kept my sanity
and I plead with everyone to indulge in the words of this wise man. This
wise man is my most appreciated Father. Bless you all.
——————————–Adebanke Akinwunmi aka Bankee is a graduate of the University of Buckingham with a Bsc in Accounting and Financial Management. She just completed her youth service in Benin. She enjoys music, reading and writing – when she has the time.
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